< Auslan Translation

Social Affirmation

Voiceover text

Social Affirmation

Social affirmation is changes you might make to how you look or how others know you. It might include changing your name and how you appear. Its up to you how and when you make those changes. If you try something new, and then later on realise it isn’t for you, that’s fine- you can always change your mind about it.

Being you

One change you could make is changing your name or pronouns. Some trans people use the pronouns he/him. Some use she/her. Some trans people use they/them. Gender is a spectrum. It is not just about being a man OR a woman. There are many gender identities. My name is Dion and my pronouns are they/them. That’s because I don’t identify as being on either end of that spectrum. I’m somewhere in between. 

Coming out can be a big step. How and when, and even if you come out, is up to you. You might choose to just tell one friend, or your family, or just a medical professional first. An important step before you come out is to think of a safe place, in case you need to go there later. It might be the beach, or a safe friend’s house. When you’re feeling ready and confident enough to have that coming out conversation, give it a go. However, if things don’t go as you hoped they would, you know you have a place to go where you can be safe and work through how you are feeling. It is important to look after yourself.

For many trans people, it is important to make changes to how they look. You might grow your hair, or cut it all off. You might change the clothes you wear. There is no right or wrong way to be trans. Choose the things that make you feel confident.

This video was produced by ACON for TransHub. For more information in Auslan you can check out the rest of our translations.

If you have questions feel free to get in touch at the email address on screen.