Getting Started

As we developed this Toolkit and in typical TransHub style, it shifted from being quite a small resource to covering a large range of subjects, challenges and experiences. We’re super proud of where we’ve landed, but also recognise it may be a bit overwhelming to figure out where to begin.

This page can help give you an idea of what’s included in the Toolkit, and where to start reading.

The Trans Vitality Toolkit is divided into four sections:

Understanding Our Roots looks at where we came from and how we be our most authentic selves.

We start with an exploration of Trans History and Culture, including Aboriginal Sistergirls and Brotherboys who have always been on this continent. We then look at Gender Affirmation, to think about the ways we want to affirm ourselves now and in the future, whatever that looks like. This section finishes up with a look at the history and power of Storytelling in our communities, and how we can tell our own stories.

It Takes A Forest looks at the value of community, and how powerful we are when we work together and care for one another.

We start with Our Community Ecosystem, which helps us to ask and explore who we give care to, and receive care from in our lives. You can then learn about different Communication and Connection Skills, and how to share our wants and needs when communicating with others. After that, there is a section all about Finding Your Communities, and what they might look like. Finally, there is a page about Mutual Aid, talking about what it is, what it looks like in our communities, and how to get involved.

Growing Up And Out looks at the many ways we can take care of ourselves.

We start with Self-Care, to make sure we’ve got enough energy to care for ourselves the ways we need. We then get into Pulling Up The Weeds, where we can take the negative messages that are out in the world about trans people, defuse them, and think about how we might respond to them safely. Next are Self-Advocacy Scripts, which look at the many ways we can advocate for ourselves. We’ve also provided some helpful examples of tools and advocacy we can do if we’re struggling. After that are Therapeutic Tools, which looks at some different approaches to therapy and counselling, and how they work. Finally, we have a page about Substance Use, with information and links if you’re struggling with the relationship you want with alcohol or drugs.

Changing Seasons looks at how we can plan and prepare for things happening that are out of our control.

We start by looking at Boundaries - how to think about what they are, how to negotiate them, and how to communicate them with each other. Next we think about our Seasons Of Wellbeing, and what kinds of care and support we might need when we’re feeling good, or not so good. We then explore Planning For The Seasons, which looks at our seasons of wellbeing and makes sure we have plans in place for ourselves. We finish off by Imagining Trans Futures, and expanding what it means to think of a trans future at all.

Finally, we have a Support page full of links to services, helplines, directories, and support groups that you can get in touch with, and a Resources page with lots of additional reading, links, and some book, zine, and podcast recommendations.